Tuesday, July 1, 2008

contributing.... (yeah right!)

Right now it is the Tuesday 1st July, 2008 at 10:36pm and for the past 3 hours i have been working on the assignment.

The last post i did (which was last week) said we were going to start filming right then but all we got was a few seconds of Kim and Kellie breaking out in luaghter every time we tried to do it, so by the end of the lesson we hadn't progressed at all.
The group was told that Kim and Kate will do the filming over the weekend and that the rest of us can contribute by doing the editing, background music, and making a you-tube account to upload. Everyone aggreed and i left the class feeling relieved that we were going to run on scedual (according to our Gantt chart-see previous post).

So yesterday, (Monday), we all turned up to class only to be told that there was no film! It turned out that Kim hadn't gone over to Kates house and nothing had happened over the weekend.

So anyway, to make a long post short, Cassy, Kate and I went out into the school yard yesterday and filmed Cassy dancing. We shot from several different angles and got alot done. It was such a simple task and yet it has taken us weeks because we have been waiting for certain people to get a move on and contribute but in the end we (Kate, Cassy and I) had to do it by ourselves anyway.

Then today at lunchtime, Cassy and i met at the IST rooms (thank-you Mr Lennon for sacrificing your lunchtime for us) and we uploaded what we had recorded the previous day. Kate was away today and has been sick recently and whether or not she is here tomorrow is in doubt and Cassy won't be here tomorrow-which is the day it is due, so this assessment task is really in my hands now.

Which leads me to now, me doing the whole editing and background music process to submit in tomorrow.

I hope i am doing it right and that my editing isn't a whole heap of crap, but then i shouldn't have to do the whole thing by myself at 11pm the night before.

All i can say is, thank-you Cassy and Kate for sticking our heads together on Monday and actually getting something done. We have done a pretty good job under the circumstances.