Monday, March 31, 2008

The Assignment!---Diary Entry 4 (extended)---

I asked Mr Lennon about my saving problem and it turns out that i was saving it wrong. I was supposed to export instead of 'Saving as'. Once i knew that i got to work on my animation and have done exactly 30 frames to date! Very happy! lol

It's now coming to an end to this lesson and i really dont want it to! lol

Time flys when your having fun! (or at least when you know what your doing!)

The Assingment!---Diary Entry 4---

So I left last lesson on a bad note but i am determined to make an animation! (lol) I'm having alot of trouble with saving things which sounds stupid but i cant figure out if i'm supposed to save or export... i think thats why i had problems last lesson... I'll redo my animation from the start.

Here goes...

Friday, March 28, 2008

The Assignment!---Diary Entry 3---

I have drawn my characters and background and started my animation. The problem is that when i saved my frames i wasn't aware that it was only saving my character, so at the end of last lesson when i was feeling really proud of myself i went into my saved frames only to see the exact same character around 20 times! Not my frames which i had painingfully moved millimetres for the past 50mins.
Not happy Jan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Assignment!---Diary Entry 2---

I have decided to use Inkscape as my software of choice. Inkscape is a drawing program where you use vector images (where you can individually change the shapes). I decided on Inkscape because it is a lot easier to change things as you go along.
The process:
*today i will design my characters and background and hopefully start my animation.

(bitmap-change individual pixels/vector-change shapes)

The Assignment!---Diary Entry 1---

Today is Tuesday the 25th March, 2008 and so is the first day i shall start the asignment. I have a vague idea of what i would like to do- My character will enter the room from the left (as required), in the background there will be a kitchen and a table with a sandwhich on top. My character will look right then left, pick the sandwhich up and eat it, then walk off to the right. Sounds Easy. I dont think i'll be that lucky.

Stay tuned and keep reading the marvellous blogs that will come ahead for 'The Assignment'.


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Job Discription: Web Developer

*A Web Developer is a Software Engineer that develops applications specifically for the world wide web. The applications generally utilize a server and a client (web browser).

*You would see this persons work on the internet.

*Web Developers usually have formal education and training. A BSCS is common for this position. In addition, training in specific languages is very common.
The most straightforward path to becoming a Web Developer is through formal training (a BSCS or MSCS). Software Engineers that do not have web development experience may start by developing small components or pieces of web applications with guidance from more senior developers.
Internships and contract positions are also a great way to get started in a Web Development career. The more hands on training, the better!

*Software used is:
- Adobe Dreamweaver 8:Best professional web editor.If you need to create complex websites with e-commerce features such as shopping carts, real-time database interaction, drop-down menus and integrated multimedia, Dreamweaver is the best (albeit expensive) choice of web authoring tools for Windows and Mac users.

Job Discription: Animator

* An animator produces multiple images called frames. When sequenced together rapidly, these frames create an illusion of movement known as animation.

* If the persons work was:
-a movie, you would find it in a video store
-if they created games their work would be in a games store
-you may also find some of their work on the internet.

*Training needed for this career is:
-One of the most valuable things you can do is to keep your familiarity with human movement up to date by attending life drawing classes. Short courses about new animation software and developments are also recommended.
-Larger companies may offer a more formal training package. This might include taking a masters in animation or working towards a professional qualification in a more specialist area.
-Local audio visual sector skills councils can be very useful when it comes to researching short courses or opportunities to develop further specialisation.

* Software and Hardware used:
-using technical software packages, such as Flash, 3d studio max, Maya, Lightwave, Softimage and Cinema 4D;

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Ze I-Pod Showdown "Classic or Cutting Edge?"

Ok so ipod classic has heaps of storage (80GB or 160GB), "Plenty of energy" -40 hours video playback and "good looks (a sleek, all-metal design)". BUT BUT BUT BUT BUT BUT BUT BUT BUT
Ze ipod-touch has
u can watch videos, play music, its got built in Hi-fi which means u can download music automatically to ur i-pod (no need 4 a computer)-u'll like that!, it's got web browsing, search the internet, watch videos off you-tube, all in an i-pod which is less then 8millimetres thin and u got to admit when u turn it arougn the sreen moves with it - how cool is that!!!!
It may seem like i've been brainwashed but i think it has heaps cooler features and looks to kill ;P

I told my firned this so i thought i would post it as well. The question was, " which I-pod do you think is better: I-Pod Touch or I-Pod Classic?"

Guess which one i chose............